
The software can be best defined as a set of instructions, technically referred to as programs, that perform operations and specific tasks based on the commands of the user. Every single task that a user intends to perform is regulated by software. Made of binary language (ones and zeroes), there is a variety of software for different tasks. With that said, here’s everything about software that you should know.

Examples and Types of Software

There are several types of software based on their functionalities, which are as follows-

What Types of Software Exist?

The four types of software are:

  • Application
  • System
  • Programming
  • Driver

Let’s check in brief .


Application s/w helps an end user complete tasks such as doing research, taking notes, setting an alarm, designing graphics, or keeping an account log. Application software lies above the system software and is distinct because it’s designed for the end use and is specific in its functionality. It is sometimes referred to as non-essential software because it’s installed and operated based on the user’s needs. Any application on a mobile phone is an example of application software.

Types of application software include:

  • Word processors: Applications used for documentation. Examples include Microsoft Word, Google Docs, and AppleWorks
  • DatabaseS/w :-Used to create and manage a database to organize data. This is also known as database management S/W (DBMS). Examples include MySQL, Clipper, and FileMaker
  • Spreadsheet software: Used to compute quantitative data. Examples include Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets, and Quattro Pro
  • Application suites: MS office is the most widely used application suite.
  • Internet browsers: Software used to access and view websites. Examples include Google Chrome and Internet explorer.
  • Multimedia software: Tools that are able play, create, or record images, audio, or video files. It’s used for video editing, animation, graphics, and image editing. Examples include Adobe Photoshop and Picasa
  • Email programs: Software used for emailing. Ex.Gmail.

2)System Software

System S/W helps the user, hardware, and application software interact and function with each other. It acts as a mediator or middle layer between the user and the hardware. It’s essential in managing the whole computer system - when a computer is first turned on, it’s the system software that is initially loaded into memory. It isn’t used by end users. Instead, it runs in the background of a device.

The most well-known example of this is the OS, which manages all other programs in a computer. Aside from the OS, other examples include:

  • Such as Basic i/p o/p system (BIOS): the built-in firmware that determines what a computer can do without accessing programs from a disk.
  • Boot:-loads the OS into the computer’s main memory or RAM.
  • Assembler:-Takes basic instructions and converts them into a pattern of bits that the processor can use to perform basic operations.
  • Device driver:-Controls a particular type of device attached to the computer, such as a keyboard and mouse.


Programming software isn’t used by the end user, but by programmers who are writing code. It’s a program used to write, develop, test, and debug other software. These programs serve as a sort of translator. It takes programming languages such as Python and Java and translates it into something a computer will understand, known as machine language code.


Also classified as a type of system software, driver software operates and controls devices and peripherals plugged into a computer, enabling a device to perform the designated task. Hardware devices that need a driver to connect to a system include displays ,sound cards and printer, mice, and hard disks.

Since there are numerous types of devices, drivers allow software systems to communicate through a standardized language. An OS typically comes with built-in drivers for a mouse, keyboard, and printer by default, so third-party installations aren’t required. For advanced devices, the driver may need to be installed externally. If multiple OS are used, such as Linux, Windows, or Mac, separate drivers need to be maintained for each. Examples of drivers include:

  • BIOS driver
  • Motherboard driver
  • ROM driver
  • Display driver
  • USB driver

Device drivers can run in kernel mode or user mode. Running a driver in user mode improves stability, since a poorly written user mode driver can’t crash the system by overwriting kernel memory. Conversely, kernel mode is preferred for low-latency networking.

How Does Software Work?

A software serves the purpose of executing commands provided by the user. These commands, known as inputs, are processed by the software. While the input is given in complex language that humans use, it is first converted into a binary language that the software understands. Based on the input, the software provides output to users. This output depends on the nature of the command given and the functionalities of the software.

How Software is Distributed?

There are different ways in which software can be distributed based on various factors. With that said, here are some common distribution mechanisms for software-

1. Commercial 

The commercial distribution of software means providing users with a license to use that particular software. Since users don’t completely own the software and are only provided a license, they cannot make any modifications or add features to the software. While the most common type of distribution mechanism in the past, it is less popular in recent times.

2. Open-Source

Open-source software is the opposite of commercial ones as it can be downloaded from the internet along with its source code. Since users can download the source code of the software as well, they can work on the codes and make changes to the software. While some open-source software might be free of cost, some may also be sold at retail prices.

3. Freeware

Freeware type of software is available to be downloaded from the internet and is completely free of cost. Freeware is commonly adware, which means it comes with embedded advertising to generate revenue, which compensates for the software being free of cost.

4. Shareware

Shareware is a variation of software, which is available for download for a limited period of time on a trial basis. It is aimed at offering a realistic experience to users so that they make the decision to buy the full version of the software for an unlimited amount of time, based on their experience with the shareware.

How to develop a software?

There are several tasks to accomplish when developing software, and project managers use a framework known as the software development lifecycle to describe these tasks. Analysis of the needs of users and planning the software based on this requirement analysis is the first step, followed by coming up with a strategy for fulfilling those requirements.

After designing, implementation is the next step wherein developers accomplish the development of the software and then test it. Once tested, the software passes through the maintenance phase which involves tasks to ensure the system keeps running. Therefore, as a whole, designing and implementation are at the core of the software development lifecycle.

History of Software

The first time a stored-program computer held a piece of software in electronic memory and executed it successfully was on June 21, 1948. Computer Scientist Tom Kilburn and his colleague Freddie William built one of the earliest computers, the Manchester Small-Scale Experimental Machine (SSEM) at the University of Manchester in England. The SSEM was programmed to perform mathematical calculations using machine code instructions. The software took 52 minutes to correctly compute the greatest divisor of two to the power of 18 (262,144).Up until the late 1950s, the term software had not been used. Even though different software was being developed during this period, they had not been made available to people commercially. As a result of this, users, which included mostly scientists and big enterprises, often resorted to developing their own software.

Here is a brief timeline of the history of software-

  • 21st June 1948 – Tom Kilburn, a computer scientist at the University of Manchester in the United Kingdom, wrote the world’s first software piece.
  • 1958 – John Tukey, a statistician, coined the term software in one of his articles.
  • 1977 – Apple II was released by Apple and shortly after VisiCorp released VisiCalc for the Apple II, which was the first spreadsheet for PCs.
  • 1981 – IBM began the sale of software. Commercial software became available to consumers.
  • In the mid-1980s – Software applications like AutoCAD, MS Word, and MS Excel were released.
  • 1985 – Microsoft Windows 1.0 was released.
  • 1997 – DVDs were introduced which were able to store the whole MS Office Suite on a single disk.
  • 1999 – Salesforce.com started using cloud computing which pioneered software delivery through the internet.
  • 2000 – The term Software as a service (SaaS) became a trend.
  • 2007 – The first iPhone was launched, and mobile applications started gaining popularity.
  • 2010 to present – DVDs became outdated as software could now be easily bought and downloaded over the internet by users.

Software vs. hardware

Computer software and hardware require each other – neither can be used on its own. A book provides a useful analogy. The pages and ink of a book are the hardware. The words, sentences, paragraphs, and overall meaning are the software. Without it, a computer is like a book full of blank pages.

While both are necessary, there are big differences between the two:

  • Hardware is a physical device, such as a motherboard, whereas software is a collection of code needed to be installed into the system.
  • Each one is mutually dependent – neither can function alone.
  • Hardware wears out with time, software does not.
  • Hardware only understands machine level language. Software takes input in human-readable languages and transforms it to machine level language.
  • Software can be easily created, changed or deleted, whereas switching out hardware takes greater skill and is typically more expensive to do.
DefinitionCollection of instructions that enables a user to interact with the computerPhysical devices that are required to store and execute (run) the software
TypesSystem, programming application are all varieties of softwareInput, storage, processing, control, and output devices
FunctionProvides the instruction to the hardwarePerforms the task at machine level
FaultsFailure is systematic. Software does not have an increasing failure rate.Hardware failure is random. Hardware has increasing failure at the last stage.
DurabilitySoftware is durable and doesn’t wear out, but with time, bugs may arise which could be rectified.Hardware wears out with time.
NatureSoftware is logical in nature.Hardware is physical in nature.
ExamplesQuickBooks, Adobe Acrobat,Chrome Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Apple MapsCPU,Hard drive, RAM, Keyboard,Mouse

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